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Intake Procedure and Eligibility

Ice Independent Counselling Enterprises offers 24-hour intake by phone. Referrals are accepted from Capital Health Authority, Persons with Developmental Disabilities, other social service agencies, families and many other sources.

If the referral is for short-term or crisis services, or if the referral is for long-term service that must be started immediately, the procedure is:
  1. Independent Counselling Enterprises offers 24-hour intake by phone. Intake referrals are accepted from Alberta Health Services-Capital Health, Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Family Supports for Children with Disabilities other social service agencies, families and many other sources. I.C.E. serves a wide variety of individuals in the human services field.
  2. For any referral for service that must be started immediately the procedure is:
    • all pertinent information i.e. support requirements, funding sources, individual contacts etc. are obtained.
    • the client is matched with an appropriate employee/support home operator;
    • the employee is on-site to deliver service within a reasonable period of time.
  3. If the referral is for long-term or ongoing service, the procedure is:
    • detailed information is obtained by phone and documented as appropriate.
    • the Intake Questionnaire is completed to facilitate the service process. This questionnaire assists I.C.E. to determine if the agency is able to provide appropriate service within the agency resources.
    • the personal profile is an intake/service tool that will cover information that is needed for I.C.E. to be able to serve the client and assist him or her to reach their personal goals. Information gathered for the personal profile will include but is not limited to: the client’s medical situation (and most recent appointments), independence, communication, daily living, personal hygiene, personal safety, home maintenance skills, any behavioural or mobility challenges, and personal interests/goals. After three months of service delivery the personal profile will be reviewed with the client and their family and updated if necessary to incorporate any changes for the individual while in service. Ongoing review of the personal profile will be completed at the yearly case conference/annual-planning meeting with the involvement of the client and his or her support network.
    • For Alberta Health Services-Capital Health, client intake documentation is provided by A.H.S. to I.C.E. including a Client Summary Record (CSR).
    • a supervisor may visit the client in their existing home;
    • the client and support network are involved in permanent support worker/support home operator assignment;
    • time lines for the commencement of service delivery will vary, is dependent on the type of supports being provided and written approval of funding is required prior to service delivery.
    • the client/family/support network will receive an information package and a client handbook describing the services that I.C.E. provides. The information package will provide an orientation for the individual regarding their rights and responsibilities within the agency. The information package will include information such as; the I.C.E. appeal process, telephone numbers to the Children’s Advocate and to PDD, Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol and Protection for Persons in Care Act(s).
    • the client/family/support network will have the opportunity to visit the program before service commences for an orientation. If the program is new, the client and support network will be given the opportunity to be involved in the start up of the program.
    • the client/family/support network will be given pertinent information regarding the program offered to determine if it will suit the client’s needs and reason for the service request. If not suitable other possible options will be given.
    • if the client would like residential services they are then involved in the peer-match process. Clients are directly involved in their accommodation and roommate choices. Clients have the option to visit possible homes and peers to determine which program will best meet their needs. Once a client has made a decision on a home and peers, with assistance from his or her support network, then the client is welcome to visit that program as much as possible to orientate themselves before program implementation. This will be done with assistance from I.C.E. and the client’s support network.
    • The client/family/support network will review the purpose of the request for services and the reasons for admission to the program. This may be done at intake or during the goal-setting meeting when the client/family/support network meet the coordinator assigned to the client.
  4. The intake procedure is graphically presented on the following page.
  5. Clients are rarely refused service. This may happen if the client is not eligible for funding through a Community Board such as Alberta Health Services-Capital Health, Persons with Developmental Disabilities or Family Supports to Children with Disabilities and cannot afford to pay themselves; if the client’s behaviour(s) and or environment are detrimental to the safety of the I.C.E. employee/contractor; if the client is participating in illegal activities; or if service authorization from the funding source cannot be obtained.
  6. For individuals with special health needs I.C.E. will consider the following factors upon intake:
    • the ability of I.C.E. to make a reasonable accommodation for the person considering service.
    • if the client has an infectious disease, the possible risk of transmission of the disease.
    • the ability of the person possibly receiving service to exercise precautions against transmission of the disease.
    • the ability of other persons served to protect themselves from infection.
    • the risk of the infected person becoming infected with another disease.
    • Services will only begin after I.C.E. has received written confirmation of funding approval from the identified funding source.

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